CWA/AT&T Wireline COVID Vaccination Bargaining Report #8
As previously reported, the CWA Bargaining Committee has passed numerous proposals and counter proposals across the bargaining table relative to AT&T’s plans to implement a rigid COVID-19 Vaccination Policy. The ball remains in the Company’s court as the Union committee continues to await AT&T’s responses to our most recent bargaining demands. At this time, there is nothing new to report.
The CWA Bargaining Committee will remain on standby awaiting a response from the Company. We will distribute additional updates once there is new information to report.
In Unity,
Your CWA Bargaining Committee,
District 3: Nick Hawkins, Assistant to the Vice President
District 4: Curt Hess, Assistant to the Vice President
District 6: Mark Franken, Administrative Director
District 9: Dominique Thomas, Assistant to the Vice President
CWA T&T Office: Ken Saether, Assistant to the Vice President