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CWA/AT&T SW Bargaining Report #8

Before we get started with today’s report, we wanted to do a quick weekly reminder of what some of the terminology we use in our reports means:

  • Passed Proposals - this means proposals were passed across the table by the drafting party (Union or Company). These are not agreements, only proposals that have been requested at the table. 
  • Counter Proposals - this means one party has countered an original proposal that was passed at the table by the other party (Union or Company) and requested changes to that original proposal.
  • Rejected Proposals - this means that one party (Union or Company) has rejected a proposal and it is no longer currently in play at the table. 
  • Tentatively Agreed Proposals - this is what we strive for as it means a proposal has been mutually agreed upon by both parties and signed as a tentative agreement towards the final contract tentative agreement.

The Union Bargaining team met with the Company today. The Union passed an additional proposal to do away with demonstrated abilities in Article XIII and replace it with the selection being based on NCS date if the employee is qualified for the open job requisition, adding double time to Appendix J for OT hours over 9, renewal of MOA for neutrality & card check, renewal of MOA for recovery of wages or benefits overpayment, renewal of part-time employees MOU, and renewal of Motor Vehicle Usage Program.

The Company rejected our proposal to increase paid holidays and increasing pay for Comm Techs considered lead technicians or subject matter experts. 

The Company did counter our proposal allowing unpaid Union Time to count towards FMLA eligibility to mirror the MOA in the Mobility contract. This is a huge win as Union Officials have always been at a disadvantage doing Union work if they became ill.

We were able to TA the following articles: Article XX – Union Representation, Article XXI – Agency Shop, & Article XXIII – Notice of promotions and transfers of Union Officers, Elected Stewards, and Designated Representatives.   

The Union Team is energized by the Locals who continue to send in pictures showing their members participating in Mobilization! We are planning a Town Hall call on the evening of March 27th with the Team to discuss where things are at and what you can do to turn up the heat. So stay tuned to future reports. 

We are scheduled to meet with the Company tomorrow, and will follow up with a new bargaining report afterwards.

To stay updated on actions and mobilizations, text FIGHT to 49484. You can also fill out this quick form to get involved and receive the latest bargaining updates.

In Solidarity,

CWA/AT&T SW Bargaining Team
