CWA/AT&T SW Bargaining Report #7
After working in our own Union Caucus this morning, the Union bargaining team met with the Company this afternoon at the table.
The meeting started with the Union asking a lot of questions about the AT&T Retirement Savings & Security Plan (ASSP), which currently approximately 5000 of our members have, possibly being moved to the AT&T Retirement Savings Plan (ARSP) with the current proposal (where everyone else is currently at). Those not familiar with these plans, it is your 401K’s.
Additionally, we asked a lot of questions about the Company’s current health care proposal that would introduce two new tiers to health care (Individual + Spouse & Individual + Child(ren). There are a lot of complex data requests that have been requested that we want to look at. Many of the questions we had the Company could not answer without chasing after the information. Once we have a complete picture of what it looks like, we will continue to work with the Research Department at CWA on comparisons to the structure we currently have through 2025 (current CBA) and the impact it would have on our members.
The Union passed proposals to renew MOA’s for Employment Security Commitment (ESC), Active Military LOA, Retaining the CWA appointed Benefit Representative, and a new MOA that would require the Company to submit monthly movement reports (shows new hires, transfers, terminations, etc.).
The Company rejected all of our proposals to improve upon Article XI specific to sick time and passed a retrogressive proposal that would change the eligibility to 2 years (currently 1), everyone over 5 years would have a 1 day waiting period (currently everyone over 8 years has no waiting period), and to drop paid sick days from 10 to 5!
Additionally, they rejected our proposals on improvements in Article IV Basis of Compensation and passed another retrogressive proposal to change the current language that pays Cable Splicers extra pay on nights. This current language was in the CBA because of the crazy change in hours they have to work from day to day due to the job requirements.
The Company also passed an MOA to temporarily upgrade Prem Techs to do CST work in which we plan to dissect in our own caucus tomorrow morning before asking more questions.
Now finally some good news! We were able to tentatively agree to our first two proposals that would protect Article III - New Job Titles & Article XII - Seniority with no changes from the current language. Though it seems like a small victory, our hope is it will catapult into some positive changes in other proposals that we have passed in the first few days.
As you can see, the Company is playing games with our current language in several articles in the contract. The bargaining team needs everyone to show this Company we are serious and united behind getting a good and fair contract. Please pay attention to the mobilization coordinator’s requests in your Locals and if you have questions, contact your Local! This battle can’t be won just at the table; your Union needs YOU the members to also FIGHT!
We are scheduled to meet with the Company tomorrow and will follow up with a new bargaining report afterwards.
To stay updated on actions and mobilizations, text FIGHT to 49484. You can also fill out this quick form to get involved and receive the latest bargaining updates.
In Solidarity,
CWA/AT&T SW Bargaining Team