CWA/AT&T SW Bargaining Report #3
Before we get started with today’s report, we wanted to explain some of the terminology that is used in our reports and what it means:
- Passed Proposals - this means proposals were passed across the table by the drafting party (Union or Company). These are not agreements, only proposals that have been requested at the table.
- Counter Proposals - this means one party has countered an original proposal that was passed at the table by the other party (Union or Company) and requested changes to that original proposal.
- Rejected Proposals - this means that one party (Union or Company) has rejected a proposal and it is no longer currently in play at the table.
- Tentatively Agreed Proposals - this is what we strive for as it means a proposal has been mutually agreed upon by both parties and signed as a tentative agreement towards the final contract tentative agreement.
Again, these are some of the terms you will see used over the next six weeks and we wanted to give a better idea of what each term means.
Now to the real report; your elected CWA/AT&T SW Bargaining Team met face to face with AT&T Labor Relations for day #2 of our negotiations.
During the morning session, the Company completely rejected the Union’s proposals to move all titles from Appendix J to Appendix C. Additionally, they rejected all proposals that would add Appendix J employees into specific Articles in the departmental agreement and out of their supplemental agreements in Appendix J. However, the Company did mention they are fully open to having discussions on improving the supplemental agreements that are in Appendix J.
The Union was fully prepared that this would be the Company’s plan of action as they had made similar moves in other AT&T Core contracts last year that had similar job titles. The Union worked all day to finalize several proposals that would change or strengthen language in the Appendix J supplemental agreements. Late on day 2 we passed several of these proposals across the table to the Company.
The Company closed the day by passing two proposals. One proposal was concerning the number of months that the Company can require technicians to work a total of 12 hours of overtime per week. The second involved regressive language towards severance payments. These were passed as the last proposals of the day. The Union will look at these further before sending counter proposals or responses.
Tomorrow the Company has informed the Union Bargaining Committee that they intend to present their initial benefits proposal.
We are only two days into this marathon and the Company has already played their hand on keeping Appendix J employees in place. The Union was and is ready for this fight at the table. We need everyone with us in the fight.
To end this report, we want to thank our brothers and sisters from Local 6132 in Austin, Texas for meeting us the first morning we walked in to begin bargaining. Your support meant the world to us.
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In Solidarity,
CWA/AT&T SW Bargaining Team
C: All District 6 Personnel