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CWA/AT&T SW Bargaining Report #18

The Bargaining Team spent the entire day working within their own committee on our benefits counter proposal. 

As we had stated in an earlier bargaining report, the Company passed a benefits proposal that includes two new tiers (Individual + Spouse and Individual + Dependents). Our bargaining team has spent a lot of time looking through the impact this would have on our current members. 

Though we can’t disclose specific details at this time, we really do believe there is some real cost savings opportunities for the majority of our members. We do plan to pass our first counter proposal tomorrow morning in hopes of getting the numbers to where we believe they should be. The Company’s initial proposal had the Union’s cost share at 32%. Just to put that into perspective, as of the 2017 contract, we are currently at 29% for current employees and 32% for new hires since 2021. The good news is the new plan would eliminate separate tiers for new hires which has always hurt them out of the gate as they were likely the lowest paid employees with the highest insurance premiums. We are very optimistic we can make major improvements for all employees. 

The Bargaining Team would like to personally thank everyone who has participated in mobilization activities in your workplaces. If you haven’t been around long enough to know this, the Company doesn’t just give us anything we ask for; but standing together and mobilizing in the field gives us the ability to push them at the table. 

While we have every intention of trying to reach an agreement by expiration that addresses our members' issues, we must be prepared if the Company fails to address our members’ best interests. If you haven’t yet had a chance to participate in the Strike Authorization vote, please check in with your Local on how you can participate. 

Please continue to get plugged in with your Locals and the mobilization efforts as we can’t afford to sit this one out. While we continue to FIGHT at the table, we need you to have our backs in the workplaces. 

CWA District 6 along with the CWA Bargaining Team will be hosting an informational town hall on March 27th at 7pm. You will be able to learn:

Key Updates & Critical Information on AT&T SW Bargaining

How members can get involved in critical mobilization efforts in their Locals

Direct Q&A with our bargaining team about issues impacting your future

This call does require registration, as it is only available to CWA members within District 6. You can register at the following link:

Webinar with Bargaining Team 

To stay updated on actions and mobilizations, text FIGHT to 49484. You can also fill out this quick form to get involved and receive the latest bargaining updates.

Regardless if we meet with the Company tomorrow or not, we will follow up with a report sharing what we worked on as a committee. 

In Solidarity,

CWA/AT&T SW Bargaining Team
