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CWA/AT&T SW Bargaining Report #16

The Bargaining Committee meet with the Company on Saturday afternoon and passed the following proposals: Comprehensive proposal on Article XI - Absences from Duty for improvements, Article IV - improving language to include inclement weather and protecting the 6pm night diff language, improvements on the Success Sharing Plan, and our first wage proposals on General Wage Increases which included an additional proposal to increase Appendix J in addition to the GWI.

We had discussions with the Company about their proposal to change On Call Duty, their proposal to move 5000 employees from the ASSP plan to ARSP where everyone else is at (team is still reviewing data and the Company owes us some answers after today’s conversation), and a discussion on issues with Military and short term disability plans.

The Company passed the following proposals: they started by rejecting our proposal on a work boot & prescription glasses stipend, and they rejected our proposal to simply renew the Committee on two hour notification (all because we didn’t agree to a trial in the Committee). They still want to raise term employee status in Appendix J from 36-42 months (they came down six months from their last retrogressive proposal), we agreed in principle to Article VIII to add MLK Day there as well, and the Union’s ability to sign members up electronically. 

After a short recess, they came back in and rejected our proposals from about one hour earlier to improve the Success Sharing Plan, our initial General Wage Increase, and the additional increase for Appendix J. They then passed their initial wage proposal which was as follows: Year 1 - 2%, Year 2 - 2% Year 3 - 2% and Year 4 - 2%.  The Union Chair responded, “We have a long ways to go if you think we are going to reach a full tentative agreement by expiration!”, and then immediately adjourned the meeting.

There were no tentative agreements during today’s session; however we have the two agreements in principle in which the documents are being reviewed before signing. 

Additionally, we have heard comments that members thought they already had MLK day as a holiday. However, we have only had it the past few years thru the extension MOA from 2021 as it is not in the CBA. The extension MOA expires on 4/12/25 as well, so if we didn’t get it bargained into the CBA, we would lose it. 

While we have made some progress this week and improvements in Appendix J, the Company has done nothing to move on our job security proposals! And after today’s session, they told us how they feel about you with an 8% cumulative raise over 4 years! You fired up yet?

As you are aware, last year AT&T and CWA ratified two new contracts, one in District 9 (AT&T West), and one in District 3 (AT&T SE). This week the Company had mass layoffs of our Union Sisters and Brothers in both contracts with 386 being surplussed in District 9 and 309 surplussed in District 3. The Company has signified multiple times their intent to try and reach a Tentative Agreement before expiration; however, if we do nothing to address job security, there is no doubt we will be next! If this doesn’t fire you up, then I’m not sure what will!

With only three weeks to go till the contract expires, we must continue to MOBILIZE and FIGHT for this Company to protect good Union jobs in District 6! We deserve more than 8% over 4 years! Let’s get united in this FIGHT!

Please continue to get plugged in with your Locals and the Mobilization efforts as we can’t afford to sit this one out. While we continue to FIGHT at the table, we need you to have our backs in the workplaces. 

CWA District 6 along with the CWA Bargaining Team will be hosting an informational town hall on March 27th at 7pm. You will be able to learn:

Key Updates & Critical Information on AT&T SW Bargaining

How memberscan get involved in critical mobilization efforts in their Locals

Direct Q&A with our bargaining team about issues impacting your future

This call does require registration, as it is only available to CWA members within District 6. You can register at the following link:

Webinar with Bargaining Team 

To stay updated on actions and mobilizations, text FIGHT to 49484. You can also fill out this quick form to get involved and receive the latest bargaining updates.

Our next scheduled meeting with the Company is Monday, and we will follow up with a new bargaining report afterwards.

In Solidarity,

CWA/AT&T SW Bargaining Team
