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CWA/AT&T SW Bargaining Report #14

The Bargaining Committee spent a big portion of today going through data and working on counter proposals. The Company and the Union did meet this evening at the main table.

The Company passed the following proposals: Appendix J - Sup Statement 10 (Relief Differential) to keep the language the same, Appendix J - Sup Statement 4 (Holidays) to add MLK day, Appendix J - Sup Statement 9 (promotional pay treatment) to keep the language the same, and Article VIII adding MLK day meeting the Union’s proposal. However, the biggest movement came from a proposal in Appendix J - Sup Statement 2 (Basis of Compensation) in which the Company lowered the assigned OT to 12 hours (originally 14), agreed to double time (still working through the hours to trigger it), and night differential (still working on hours that trigger it). These would all be improvements on the current language!

The day ended with the Company agreeing to the Union proposal to keep the Article XIX Grievances the same and reaching a T/A. 

Finally, on day 14 we have begun to see some positive movement on some of our key issues! We have a very long way to go on many items in the core contract, job security, benefits, and wages; however the Union team was able to smile a little bit after today’s session.

Our next scheduled meeting with the Company is tomorrow morning, and we will follow up with a new bargaining report afterwards.

CWA District 6 along with the CWA Bargaining Team will be hosting an informational town hall on March 27th at 7pm. You will be able to learn:

Key Updates & Critical Information on AT&T SW Bargaining

How memberscan get involved in critical mobilization efforts in their Locals

Direct Q&A with our bargaining team about issues impacting your future

This call does require registration, as it is only available to CWA members within District 6. You can register at the following link:

Webinar with Bargaining Team 

To stay updated on actions and mobilizations, text FIGHT to 49484. You can also fill out this quick form to get involved and receive the latest bargaining updates.

In Solidarity,

CWA/AT&T SW Bargaining Team
