CWA/AT&T SW Bargaining Report #13
Before we get started with today’s report, we wanted to remind members of some of the terminology that is used in our reports and what it means:
- Passed Proposals - this means proposals were passed across the table by the drafting party (Union or Company). These are not agreements, only proposals that have been requested at the table.
- Counter Proposals - this means one party has countered an original proposal that was passed at the table by the other party (Union or Company) and requested changes to that original proposal.
- Rejected Proposals - this means that one party (Union or Company) has rejected a proposal and it is no longer currently in play at the table.
- Tentatively Agreed Proposals - this is what we strive for as it means a proposal has been mutually agreed upon by both parties and signed as a tentative agreement towards the final contract tentative agreement.
The Union Bargaining team met with the Company today in two sessions.
In the morning session the Company passed the following proposals: Appendix J - Sup Statement 3 (work schedules) to keep the language the same, Appendix J - Sup Statement 8 (Transfers) to keep the language the same, a counter on the Benefits Rep position cleaning up old language that referred to a 2003 LOA, and Article IV - Arbitration (keeping language the same).
After both parties met in their own caucuses and worked on proposals, we met again this evening and the Union passed the following proposals: Article VIII - Holidays (adding MLK day), Article XIX - Grievances (we additionally rejected the Company’s proposal to reduce incident to 30 days and paid attendees in grievance meetings from 2 to 3), Appendix J - Sup Statement 2 (Basis of Compensation to drop assigned OT from 14 to 12, added language to strengthen OT pay, Double Over Time pay at 52 hours and above, and night diff for all hours worked if working between 6pm and 6am.
The Union and Company TA’s the following proposals:
- Continuation of CWA Appointed Benefit Representative
- Article I (General Application) - Collective Bargaining Procedure
This evening the Company passed a counter to the incentive plans agreement and a counter to contractor notification.
Our next scheduled meeting with the Company is tomorrow and we will follow up with a new bargaining report afterwards.
CWA District 6 along with the CWA Bargaining Team will be hosting an informational town hall on March 27th at 7pm. You will be able to learn:
• Key Updates & Critical Information on AT&T SW Bargaining
• How memberscan get involved in critical mobilization efforts in their Locals
• Direct Q&A with our bargaining team about issues impacting your future
This call does require registration, as it is only available to CWA members within District 6. You can register at the following link:
To stay updated on actions and mobilizations, text FIGHT to 49484. You can also fill out this quick form to get involved and receive the latest bargaining updates.
In Solidarity,
CWA/AT&T SW Bargaining Team