CWA District 6 - Windstream - Bargaining Report #4
Your Bargaining Committee finished out the first week of bargaining today. Many items were thoroughly discussed including but not limited to the movement of work, holidays, vacation, pensions and the medical plans. We are working diligently to get as much clarification and information from the company on their intent and reasoning as possible. The company passed a proposal regarding the cancellation of Retiree Life Insurance. This item is not in the contract nor a mandatory subject of bargaining. Once the Union informed the company we had no interest in agreeing to do away with this, the company informed us that they would cancel this on February 28, 2020. We told the company that this was a cowardly move and it was NOT the Union that caused the bankruptcy, but the company executives that did. We have been told it was business as usual and that’s how we are approaching these negotiations. Again, this was life insurance not in the contract. If you would like specifics on it, please ask your manager why they are canceling it. We will resume negotiations on Monday, February 24, 2020. Expiration is on February 28, 2020. We ask the membership to stay united, remain strong and demand a fair and just contract from your manager.
In Unity,
Your CWA Local 6171 Bargaining Committee
Jewish Family Services Workers United - Meeting the Bargaining Team!