Consolidated Communications Bargaining Report #6
Pension and Health Care were the two main topics in today’s discussions. The Company has not moved at all after the Union presented their counter proposal. The Company proposal would be a substantial increase in our members cost share of health care premiums. Your bargaining committee is standing strong on the Union’s counter proposal that we have submitted, and are presenting facts on why we believe extremely higher premiums is not acceptable. Both groups were reviewing health care cost data presented by each side.
The discussions on the Pension Plan continued, the Union is not in agreement on the Company’s proposal. The movement is slow at this point as both sides are reviewing documentation and the meeting was recessed at 4:00 pm. Bargaining will resume on October 7, 2010.
We need everyone UNITED.
WEAR Red on Thursdays!! The committee recommends wearing RED all next week as this is the final week of the contract, contract ends October 15, 2010.
Jewish Family Services Workers United - Meeting the Bargaining Team!