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Consolidated (Lufkin/Conroe) Bargaining Report #24

April 3, 2017

As was communicated in earlier reports, your Union Committee has been awaiting information that was requested on March 10, 2017.  At that time, the Company thought they could provide the information sometime during the week of March 19-26, 2017.  On March 29, 2017, the Company provided a response to one question but did not provide the data necessary to evaluate and assess other aspects of a potential contract.  On March 30, 2017, the Union inquired about the yet to be provided data.  The following day, March 31, 2017, the Company chairperson claimed that the Union was told when the request was made that the Company would not be providing the data.  This new claim is an outright fabrication by the Company.  To put it more bluntly, it is total bunk!  This is not the first time the Company has chosen to misrepresent the truth to the Union during these negotiations.  Members should be every bit as outraged with the Company for their actions as the Bargaining Committee is.  The Company continues to show no respect for the workers who, by the way, actually generate the profits for Consolidated Communications, or their representatives at the bargaining table.  The requested information is necessary and the Company is required by law to provide it.  As such, until provided, the Union will pursue charges against the Company with the National Labor Relations Board.

Your Bargaining Committee again thanks the members for their strong showing of support as well as their patience as we work toward reaching an agreement.

      United We Bargain, Divided We Beg!