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Consolidated (Lufkin/Conroe) Bargaining Report #12

Wednesday, November 2, 2016 – 11:13 p.m.

Your CWA Bargaining Committee met with the Company today.  After expressing the Union’s disappointment with the Company’s retrogressive proposals and apparent lack of interest in reaching a fair and equable agreement, additional questions were asked regarding Company proposals.  In addition, the Union passed the Company two additional requests for information.

The Union spent the afternoon working on a package proposal to present to the Company on Thursday.

On Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, your Union Bargaining Committee hosted meetings in Lufkin and Conroe, respectively.  The purpose of these meetings was to provide members with an updated status report on the current state of negotiations.  At the conclusion of each meeting, the Local conducted a Strike Authorization Vote which, if passed, would give the CWA National Executive Board the authorization to call a strike.  Combined, nearly 75% of the membership attended the two meetings with 98% voting YES on the Strike Authorization Vote.

Your Bargaining Committee appreciates the OVERWHELMING support of the membership as was clearly displayed with both the turnout at the two meetings and the nearly unanimous vote of the membership to give the National Executive Board the right to call a strike if the Committee ultimately believes such action becomes necessary.


United We Bargain…Divided We Beg!  

Thanks to the Membership for Remaining United!