CenturyLink Northwest Bargaining Report #1
CWA and CenturyLink Northwest opened negotiations on May 23, 2011. The Union’s bargaining committee is chaired by Ann-Margaret Sanchez-Tovar, Allen Whitaker, Linda James, and Mark Moyer. The Company committee is chaired by Dan Gronniger and John Dreher.
The Union passed a number of proposals representing the responses from the membership surveys. The Company also passed proposals that tend to be, at first glance, retrogressive dealing with healthcare and job bidding language.
The Union and the Company continued to meet thru the week, finishing up on Thursday, May 26, 2011 with an agreement to return to the table on June 2, 2011.
During the initial meetings, the Union and the Company met and discussed each of their proposals. The Union explained the reasons for rejection on healthcare and job bidding as well as others.
The Union and the Company reconvened negotiations on June 2, 2011. Both sides agreed to tentatively agree on VEBA, Voluntary Benefits, Voluntary Termination, Force Adjustment, as well as others. There still continues to be several outstanding issues such as, healthcare, job bidding, and others.
Your Union committee is working hard to reach a fair and equitable contract for all members. Please remember to keep up mobilization efforts to show support of your committee during these challenging times.
Remember to wear red on Thursday and black on Friday.
Sign a Non-Member today!
In Unity,
Your CWA CenturyLink NW Bargaining Committee