CenturyLink Local 6174 Bargaining Report #1
The Joint Committees met this morning to kick off negotiations. After introductions, the Company and Union Bargaining Chairs agreed to ground rules. The Company Chair did not give a formal opening statement, however, stated that the Company's view of success is different than what Embarq's was. The Company presented 33 proposals for our review. The Union gave the following opening statement "The goals of the Communications Workers of America are to achieve common vital contract language, improved job security, gain better access to training and retraining to improve the future of those we represent, achieve social and economic justice, improve benefit levels, and promote overall mutual union/company respect." The Union passed 26 proposals that reflect our demands. We agreed to meet tomorrow morning to discuss each package of proposals in detail. Please update your contact information with the Local if you have not done so. The Local has a hotline number 281-548-4CWA that you may also check for updates if you can't access the website.