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CenturyLink TX Retail Bargaining Report #1

The Union and Company met in Killeen, TX to prepare for negotiations April 12 and 13, 2017.  No formal proposals were presented.  However, an agreement was reached as to how we will proceed going forward.  Major items agreed upon were: 

a) The Retail group will become part of the master contract for Local 6174

b) A Memorandum of Agreement granting all employees Grievance and Arbitration Rights as outlined in the current collective bargaining agreement until a new agreement is reached 

c) The Union presented Safety and Health concerns based on feedback from the group, to which the Company responded and are in the process of addressing immediately

The joint committees are scheduled to return to the table May 2 - 4, 2017.  In preparation for the session, a Unit Meeting will be held at the Local @ 6:30 pm on May 1, 2017 to go over the initial proposals that will be submitted. Please make every effort to be present.  Mobilization items have been distributed, please utilize them every day.  If anyone needs additional items, please contact Stephanie Collier, Bargaining Chair.

Thanks to everyone who attended the first Unit Meeting and made an effort to return your surveys.  Special thanks to Tania Mundy for showing extraordinary leadership in keeping the group focused and united!!!! We are looking forward to a productive session in May.  


Stephanie Collier, Bargaining Committee Chair
Mike Tippie, Vice President Local 6174