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News Final Bargaining Report

The Union met with the Company,, on January 30, 2017 and February 3 & 10, 2017 to negotiate a new contract. The Company wanted a 6 month probationary period with no grievance procedure for new employees. The Union proposals included improved vacation time, additional excused paid days off, a three year contract and a fair wage increase.

On February 10, 2017 at Tentative Agreement was reached as follows:

1. Three year contract

2. Wage increase 9/1/17- 4%, 9/1/18 - 4%, and 9/1/17 - 3%

3. One week vacation for employees achieving 6 months service but less than 24 months. (Previously was a 1/2 week)

4. NEW: Employees achieving 6 months of service will be allowed 1 Excused Work Day with pay to be taken during the vacation year; will be allowed to be taken in 1 hour increments.

5. MOA regarding health care; renewed

6. NEW: Grievance Procedures - New employees must achieve 6 months of service for their grievance to be subject to Mediation and Arbitration

On February 13, 2017, the new 3 year contract was ratified by 100% of the membership.

Thanks to Local 6132 Golson McIntosh-VP and Jason Peavler-President for their help in bargaining this contract.

Charlie Torres, CWA Representative