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AT&T Mobility Bargaining Report #19

Yesterday, Thursday, February 25th, the CWA Bargaining Committee continued negotiations with the Company during several bargaining sessions.  The Union continued to present bargaining demands to the Company Committee.  The Company presented the Union with a second benefit package.  The Company’s package was a move in the right direction but the benefit proposals are still retrogressive. 
The Union countered with our own package proposal that included all of the bargaining demands that our Members forwarded to the Committee.  Negotiations continued late into the evening. 
After bargaining ended last night, the Union Committee came back and worked into early morning studying data and the Company demands that were presented during the day.  We’ve got a long way to go to reach an agreement.  The Union Committee is committed to achieving the best contract possible.  
Negotiations will resume on Friday, February 26, 2016.  The contract expires on Friday, February 26, 2016. 

Stay United!  Stay Engaged!  Mobilize!  Mobilize!!  Mobilize!!!

In Solidarity,
Your CWA Bargaining Committee