AT&T Mobility Bargaining Report # 9
Mobility Bargaining
Report # 9
Your Bargaining Committee continues to meet with the company multiple times a day. As mentioned, we continue to engage in discussions specifically related to each work group in the Purple Agreement. Since Bargaining Kickoff, we have spent a significant amount of time working on the issues that affect our members across the District such as scheduling, holiday’s, hours of work, paid time off, work life balance and benefits to name a few. Although we have seen significant movement in some areas, we are still far apart on some of our key issues. Looking at the Company’s financial reports, it is clear to see that our members are making the Company very profitable, they have more than enough money to address the issues currently on the table and we hold fast on the fact that our members WANT MORE IN 2024!!!
We consider nothing in our current proposals as excessive or unreasonable and we will continue to fight for a solid contract that will allow our members to maintain a work/life balance while still providing for their families.
WE will continue negotiations until we find common ground and reach a tentative agreement, but we need your help! PLEASE continue to participate in your Local’s mobilization activities and if you have not yet, send your “letter to the company” today by clicking the link below.
We are in this together, UNITED WE BARGAIN, DIVIDED WE BEG.