AT&T Mobility Bargaining Report # 8
Mobility Bargaining
Report # 8
February 17, 2024
CWA District 6 Bargaining Committee members continued to meet with the Company representatives today in Austin, Texas. The Union is diligently working on proposals as well as reviewing information provided by the Company. The Union has steadily made gains over the last week in the areas of Hours of Work, Work Assignments, Force Adjustment and Basis of Compensation.
We are quickly approaching the expiration of the current labor agreement with many economic issues remain unresolved. The committee has spent the last couple days working through the Benefit Package with our Research Department to ensure the best benefit plan options are included in a final package. Major economic proposals related to Wages, Upgrades and Job Security remain unresolved.
We are ONE week from expiration and your committee is committed to negotiate an agreement that raises the standard of living for all members. AT&T’s financial success is a result of the hard work and dedication to each and every member of our Union. We expect more in 2024! The mobilization efforts out in the field are noticed and your support is needed more than ever. Time is running out to submit your letter to the company, if you haven’t done so, please submit yours today by clicking on the link below. These letters will show the company that WE ARE ONE!!!
Keep up the FIGHT for a fair and just contract!!