AT&T Mobility Bargaining Report #1

Your CWA District 6 Mobility Bargaining Committee kicked-off negotiations with AT&T Mobility today, February 4, 2020, and passed several proposals related to Hours of Work, Work Assignments, Force Adjustment and Basis of Compensation. The Bargaining Committee stressed the importance of a significant wage increase and our intent on negotiating the Arkansas IHX group into our Labor Agreement.
The Company passed us a proposal regarding healthcare, disability, and pension that we will spend the night reviewing. We asked several questions of the Company’s proposals and they will be forth coming with answers.
We will meet again tomorrow morning to continue our presentation of bargaining proposals and look forward to the answers the company plans to provide.
The committee wants to thank the Locals for their participation in kick-off mobilization activities. Keep up the pressure; it works.
We are all in this fight together…United We Bargain, Divided We Beg-WE DON’T BEG!!
Your Bargaining Committee
Jason Vellmer-Chair
Cheryl Dawson-CWA District 6 Staff
Mike Gemilli
Kendra Williams
John Richie