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ADT Bargaining Report #5

Your Bargaining Committee continued negotiations today with ADT LLC.  The Union Committee consisted of Jerrell B. Miller, CWA Representative, Ron Swaggerty, VP Local 6215, and Arthur A. Whittington, Bargaining Committee Member Local 6215.   


The Company Committee consists of Jim Nixdorf, Director of Labor Relations and Jonah Serie, Area Manager.


The Company rejected our proposals on Article 24 – Working Relations Committee, Article 26 – Ancillary Benefits, Article 25 – General Agreement and Memorandum of Agreement between Communications Workers of America and ADT, LLC on Wages and Benefits.  We held lengthy discussions on Safety and Training.  Also, we passed a proposal to establish a Home Dispatch Program. 


Your committee is committed to getting a fair and equitable agreement.  Our next scheduled meeting is Thursday, September 3, 2015.


Remember, United We Stand!


In Unity,


Your CWA Bargaining Committee