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B.P.S. Telephone Final Bargaining Report

The Union and the Company met for a period of three days and on Wednesday March 3, 2011 reached a tentative agreement. The items agreed to are listed below:

Duration of Agreement – This will be a 5 year agreement, the dates are April 1, 2011 thru April 1, 2016.

Wages – The members will receive a 3% wage increase on each anniversary date of the agreement. The wages compound out to 15.92% over the life of the agreement.

Insurance – Effective January 1, 2012 the members will be moved to the NTCA, AAA, and PPO plan. This plan is a plan which provides for In Network and Out Network benefits and will save the members money on the amount they pay, and will provide better benefits on the In Network portion of the plan.

Training – The Union and the Company agreed that the Company will provide either training or cross-training which will allow employees to gain certifications relating to the Central Office work. This language will become a NOA in the contract.

Per Diem – The daily per diem was increased from $40.00 to $50.00

Article 15 – Sickness and Disability Leave Benefits – Made a language change which was relating to the Short Term Disability and the Long Term Disability.

The Parties agreed to include the two MOA’s which are currently in the agreement into the new agreement.