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Multiband Bargaining Report #4

The Union and the Company have met for the last 3 days in an attempt to resolve many of the open issues on the table. Some progress has been made on some items but, on others, there has been no movement as of today.

The Company has rejected the Union’s proposal to provide any monies for the use of the employee’s personal cell phone.

The Company has made a proposal on vacation time which is called, Paid Time Off (PTO). This proposal will cover all aspects of time off for all employees. The Union is reviewing this proposal and will respond to the Company.

The Company has also made a proposal on Health Care which will place Union represented employees on the same health care plan as all other non-bargained for, and non-management employees. This plan will continue to have employees making payments towards their health care. The Union made a proposal for the Company to pay for 100% of the health care and the Company rejected the Unions proposal.

The Union is now working on a proposal which will respond to all open issues, and will present that proposal as soon as possible.

This is your contract, its time for you to get involved, as your Bargaining Committee we need your support. Let your managers know that you want a fair contract. This Company is making a good profit, we as employees help provide that profit, give us a fair contract.

The Union will provide an update tomorrow.