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Verizon Southwest Bargaining Report #79

Today Verizon presented your Bargaining Committee with what they said was their “last, best and final offer.” Your Committee is now thoroughly examining the proposal for the full cost and affect to the members.

The Bargaining Committee was made aware of a Company email that was sent to the employees touching on the highlights of the proposal we received only a few hours earlier. Information will be provided to you on the good and bad on this latest proposal with all the details. Please hold on to your conclusions until all detailed information has been provided to you by your Bargaining Committee. We were elected to represent you and we have your best interests in mind. Pedro Correa has the Company’s interests in mind.
Again, Pedro is not at the table with your Bargaining team. We invite Pedro to join us at any session to bargaining a Comprehensive Package that reflects the work and dedication of the employees that is provided to the Company and our customers.

In Unity and Solidarity,
Your 2012/2013 Bargaining Committee