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YP Holdings Bargaining Report #19


The Union and Company wrapped up talks early this morning, no agreements were reached. The Union and Company agreed to an extension to Wednesday, December 11th. The Union presented the Company with a package proposal and after reviewing it, the Company then presented to the Union what they are calling their final proposal. The Union bargaining committee is going to review what the Company is calling their final proposal. Please keep checking the website for updated bargaining reports. In Solidarity, Your Bargaining Committee

The Union and Company wrapped up talks early this morning, no agreements were reached. The Union and Company agreed to an extension to Wednesday, December 11th. The Union presented the Company with a package proposal and after reviewing it, the Company then presented to the Union what they are calling their final proposal. The Union bargaining committee is going to review what the Company is calling their final proposal.

Please keep checking the website for updated bargaining reports.

In Solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee