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Consolidated (Lufkin/Conroe) Bargaining Report #15

Negotiations on a new collective bargaining agreement reconvened on Wednesday, November 9, 2016.  In a good faith effort to reach a tentative agreement on a new contract, your CWA Bargaining Committee presented the Company with yet another package proposal to resolve all issues.  After going through the complete package and answering the Company’s questions, the Company’s response made it clear to the Union that your employer expects you to accept a sub-standard agreement.  Your Bargaining Committee also presented the Company with an information request in order to better grasp the reasonableness and need of one of the Company’s demands. 

Due to schedule conflicts, the parties agreed to reconvene negotiations after the Thanksgiving holiday.  Additional information will be posted as it becomes available.

Your CWA Bargaining Committee thanks the membership for your continued support and solidarity.  Your Committee also wishes each of you and your families a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.

United We Bargain…Divided We Beg!