CWA Retirees Meeting December 9th, 2019
The meeting was called to order by President Bob Huss. He said a prayer and led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance. He asked everyone to remain standing for a moment of silence for the deceased: Pat Cramer.
Nancy Jinkerson read the minutes of the October meeting. There was no meeting in November due to the bad weather. She announced the lunch menu. With no corrections it was moved, seconded and passed to approve them as read. Ron Munford gave the financial report. It was moved, seconded and passed to accept the report.
Earline Jones spoke about the ongoing threats to Social Security and Medicare as well as issues on the state level that impact all of us. She also talked about health care.
Bob Huss continued to talk about health care and the various Medicare plans. He also announced that State Representative Jill Schupp, who recently spoke at one of our meetings, will be running against US Representative Ann Wagner for her Congressional seat.
Tony Hill moved that the chapter donate $200 to the USO as they have done every year. The motion was seconded and passed. Nancy asked everyone to keep Imogene Sutton in their thoughts and prayers. She recently fell and injured her arm.
Because there was no meeting in November two drawings were held for birthday cakes. Bill Sonnenschein won the November cake and Sharon Casey won the December cake.
A donation was collected for Bob Jinkerson who provided Christmas music prior to the meeting.
Drawings were held for cash prizes and white elephant items.
Bingo was not played afterwards.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Jinkerson, Secretary
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