Worker Power Update
Supporting Pro-Worker Candidates
Last week, CWA endorsed Congressman Andy Levin (D-Mich.), who is running for reelection in the newly-drawn Eleventh District.
“Andy Levin has been a fighter for labor and working families his entire life,” said CWA District 4 Vice President Linda L. Hinton. “He has been a co-sponsor of call center legislation in the House and has fought for high-speed broadband accessibility and funding as part of the infrastructure bill. Andy has worked side-by-side with CWA on these and many other issues that are important to our members and working people across the country."
CWA Public Workers in New Mexico Fight for a Living Wage
Members of CWA Local 7076 in New Mexico have been mobilizing to pass Senate Bill 07, which would establish a $15 per hour minimum wage for public workers in the state. New Mexico’s statewide minimum wage for all workers is currently set at $11.50 per hour. These essential workers, who have been on the frontlines throughout the pandemic ensuring their communities receive the services they need, are making poverty wages that do not correspond with the tremendous increase in the cost of living in recent years. CWA represents over 1,500 public sector workers in New Mexico who make less than $15 per hour and haven’t received a pay raise in several years, while thousands of full-time positions have been eliminated.
The CWAers, other public workers, and community allies are mobilizing on several fronts including sending letters and engaging with lawmakers, holding public demonstrations, organizing petitions and other online actions, and more. They will continue fighting until state lawmakers recognize the value and contributions of public workers and pass this bill.
CWA President Claude Cummings Jr. Discusses Inequality with World Leaders
Telecommunications and Technology Sector Hosts Leadership Conference