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CWA/Apple Retail Bargaining Report #2 Penn Square Location, Oklahoma City, OK

Sisters & Brothers,

Today the CWA Bargaining team continued negotiations with the Apple Bargaining team in Oklahoma City, OK. We presented eleven (11) new proposals that would contractually address compensation (several specific items including bilingual pay), fixed sick time, fixed vacation time based on seniority, and language protecting existing benefits and 401K contributions to mention the highlights.

The conversations around each proposal as well as how we could make each proposal work in the current environment of the store were very fluid between both parties. Apple did compliment us on how prepared we were with each of our proposals and the discussions that were had during the first two days of this process.

We did receive our first three (3) counter proposals from Apple in which we will take back and discuss as a team before our next scheduled session on June 6th & 7th in OKC. The Company has committed to answering many of our initial proposals during this next session as well.

Overall, the past two days have been very productive in passing all of our initial proposals that address many bargaining demands we received from you. We are very optimistic that we will find common ground and tentatively agree to specific proposals in future bargaining sessions.

In closing, thank you to everyone the team continues to hear from and the solidarity you continue to show as we work towards a fair contract!

In Unity & Solidarity,

CWA/Apple Bargaining Team

Michael Forysythe, Genius Admin
Darren Griffis, Business Expert
Kirsten Matson, Technical Expert
Jay Albertson, President CWA 6016
Billy Moffett, CWA District 6 Staff Representative
